SH2JA1hzWq2Diuox6Yv0rjxHCjI0TM My BEST Pilates Abs Exercises (Deep Core Activation) | 10 min Workout

My BEST Pilates Abs Exercises (Deep Core Activation) | 10 min Workout

My Best Pilates Abs Exercises:

This workout right here is proof that Pilates gets you the best results when it comes to your abs and your core. I've been doing Pilates. I've been teaching Pilates for over 15 years now, and honestly, I think that my strong core is pretty much 100% down to Pilates. It's just 10 minutes long, and these are the toughest and the most amazing abs exercises that are going to get you results. You're going to feel so strong if you do this consistently.

Try This 14 Day Challenge:

I want you to do this for 14 days. Let me know how you get on in the comments down below. And before we get started, do not forget to subscribe. I upload a minimum of two new workouts every single week. Most of them are Pilates, but there's also strength in there. There's HIIT in there. You don't want to miss out, so hit that subscribe button. And yeah, let's get started with this 10 minuter. Let me know how you get on.

Exercise 1 of 10:

  • Okay, so you're going to be starting off on all fours, tucking the toes under, spread those fingertips. Now, draw the belly button up and in, back towards the spine, and you're just going to hover the knees a few inches. We are going to start off by shifting the body weight backwards and forwards over the hands. 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. Breathing. It's just 10 minutes of intense abs, guys. We can do this. Great.
  • Now, this time, as you shift the body weight forward, drive the knee in towards the elbow, alternating sides. 15 seconds, that's all. (timer beeping) And lower down from there. Amazing. We're just going to do a few cat camel stretches during this little break. Great work finding neutral spine, the point where you can balance a tray of drinks on your back. Hover again.

Exercise 2 of 10:

time, we're going to drop halfway down with the hips, back up into neutral. Then drive the leg across to the opposite elbow, right hip down, right knee across. Left hip down, left knee across. Amazing work. 15 seconds. Keep it going. (timer beeping) And lower down from there. Just take a second for a quick shell stretch. Now we're going to come up onto your knee, straightening out the other leg. Good work. From here, your fingertips are by your temples. Reaching down, tap the fingertips down.

Exercise 3 of 10:

and reach the other arm out long. You're going to lift and lower. Good. Keeping that tension on the waist, lengthen that arm out. You have three more, two, and one. Draw those fingertips back to the temples, and we come up and down. Pretend that you have two planes of glass, either side of you and you're not rolling forwards. You're not rolling backwards. Good work. Hold there. Hold. Okay, take a break if you want to, otherwise stay in this lengthened position. Reach your hand down and you are going to come straight into a side plank. Either here, one foot in front of the other, or harder still one foot on top of the other.

Exercise 4 of 10:

Reach that other arm up. Take your eye gaze towards your hand. Feed the arm under, back up. Slowly drop the hip down, tap it, back up. We are super slow and controlled here. Keep following the hand with the eyes if you can. Good work. 10 seconds. (timer beeping) And lower down from there. Amazing. You're going to swing your legs around. We are going straight onto the other side. Now, if you have any wrist issues, you can come down onto the forearm. This is actually my injured wrist, so I may come down, but I'm going to see how I get on.

Exercise 5 of 10:

Great luck. Calming round Tap down and up. 20 seconds left. You should be able to get in about four more reps. Super slow and controlled. (timer beeping) Finish off strong. Amazing. All the way down from there, we're going to come down into lying now. I want you to bend your knees, spread your butt cheeks from there, arms out in front of you. Take a deep breath in. On the breath out, peel the spine back.

Exercise 6 of 10:

  • all the way into lying. Take your hands behind the back of your head. Try and come all the way up into sitting, nice and upright, and back down. If you need your arms for some momentum, that is absolutely fine. Control these movements. Amazing work.
  • Remember it's harder if your hands are behind the back of your head. (timer beeping) Great work straight into dead butts from here. We're going to start upping the intensity on those lower abs. Single leg tabletop, 90 degrees at the knees and the hip. Mirror that with the other leg. Now glue those inner thighs together. Peel your way up into a crunch.

Exercise 7 of 10:

(1) You're going to straighten out the opposite arm to leg. Breath out as you straighten. Breath in as you draw back in again. Good, keep breathing. You are aiming to get that leg to 45 degrees, that straight leg. The other one stays at 90. If your legs are coming too close into your chest here, that's actually making it easier. Keep them at 90 degrees. Challenge yourself.

(2) Nearly there. (timer beeping) Amazing work. Hug your knees into your chest. Next up, Pilates hundreds. We're up in double leg tabletop again. 90 degrees at the knees and the hips. Peel your way into a crunch, lengthen those fingertips down, and you're going to pump your arms up and down.

Exercise 8 of 10:

(1) Let's go. Now, to make this harder, you can add in a single leg stretch, draw back in again, or, harder still, add in a double leg stretch. You breathe in for five arm pumps. You breathe out for five. No more than 90 degrees with those knees. Come on, you're halfway already. For the last 15 seconds of your straightening your leg, straighten both out and pump.

(2) We can do this. 10, nine, breathe, eight, seven, great work, six, a little low with the legs, but do not let that lower back leave the floor, and hug in one. we're into our reverse crunches. Your hands come into a diamond shape underneath all the way down to the pelvic area. Okay, from here, you're going to go with a mini reverse crunch, just a few inches.

Exercise 9 of 10:

Tap the toes down. Crunch and tap the toes down. Good, really thinking about your pelvic floor here. Zipping up and in, belly button back towards the spine. If you want to start increasing it, pike up a little higher, and straighten the legs out. Nearly there. Come on. (timer beeping) Amazing work. We we're going to finish up with toe reaches into a scissor. Just follow me, guys. I absolutely love this exercise. Your legs are coming to the sky. You're going to reach up. You're going to lower one leg down and back.

Exercise 10 of 10:

Alternating sides. It's like a love-hate on this one, but it's your last exercise. Good work. Come on, we're already halfway, 20 seconds left. Then you are done. Come on, keep pushing, keep pushing. All the way, 10 seconds. By the way, some of you have been asking for 30, 40-minute ab workouts with me.

Pilates Abs Cool Down:

  • And hug your knees into your chest. And I filmed one yesterday, 35 minutes. Reach your arms up and over your head. Breathe. Allow your rib cage to flare and my core is dead. That's going to be part of a brand new guide, an 8 week guide, that's all I can say, that is launching on the LEAN app very soon. So if you're wanting to come and check out the LEAN Method on the LEAN app,
  • 8 weeks to get in the best shape of your life all the way up, and onto your tummy now just to stretch out those abs even more. Make sure you check down below. All the details are in the description box. Guys, honestly, if you're wanting to level up from here, you're just doing random workouts here on YouTube, it's a great place to start. But if you really, really want to level up, take it seriously.

Complete Abs Pilates Workout:

Get involved with a guide. It progressively gets harder as you work your way through eight weeks long. The LEAN Method is going to change your life, honestly. It's down below. And yeah, I hope you enjoyed that as a little teaser. Wow, my core is on fire. Imagine that 35 minutes. Love you guys, mwah. You smashed it.

Pilates Abs: 10 Min.

Warm-up: Deep Breathing1 minLie on your back, inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale fully through your mouth, engaging your deep core. Repeat.
Pelvic Tilt1 minLie on your back with knees bent. Inhale, tilt your pelvis, exhale, and return to neutral. Engage your deep core muscles.
Single Leg Stretch1 minLie on your back, lift one leg at a time, and reach for it with the opposite hand. Switch legs in a cycling motion.
Hundreds2 minLie on your back, lift your legs, and pump your arms up and down vigorously while breathing deeply.
Plank1.5 minMaintain a plank position, keeping your body in a straight line. Engage your core and hold the position.
Oblique Crunches1.5 minLie on your side, legs stacked, and crunch your upper body toward your hip. Switch sides halfway through.
Scissor Kicks1 minLie on your back, lift your legs slightly off the ground, and perform scissor-like kicks. Engage your core throughout.
Side Plank (each side)1 minSupport your body on one forearm and the side of your foot, keeping your body straight. Hold, then switch sides.
Cool Down: Child's Pose and Cat-Cow Stretch1 minTransition to a kneeling position. Sit back on your heels for Child's Pose, then move to Cat-Cow for spinal flexibility.

Pilates Core: 10 Min FAQS:

Q1: What is the importance of deep core activation in Pilates?

A1: Deep core activation in Pilates is crucial for stabilizing the spine and promoting overall strength and balance. It helps engage the deeper muscles of the abdomen, such as the transverse abdominis, providing a solid foundation for controlled movements and improving posture.

Q2: How can one perform the Pilates Hundred exercise effectively for a stronger core?

A2: To perform the Pilates Hundred effectively, lie on your back, lift your legs, and pump your arms up and down while engaging your deep core muscles. Breathe rhythmically throughout the exercise, aiming for 100 arm pumps. This not only targets the abdominal muscles but also enhances endurance and circulation.

Q3: What role does controlled breathing play in Pilates ab exercises?

A3: Controlled breathing is integral to Pilates ab exercises as it helps facilitate the engagement of deep core muscles. Inhaling deeply and exhaling fully during each movement ensures a continuous flow of oxygen to the muscles, promoting endurance, focus, and optimal muscle activation.

Q4: How does the Pilates Roll-Up contribute to core strength and flexibility?

A4: The Pilates Roll-Up is a dynamic exercise that involves a smooth, sequential movement to articulate the spine. This exercise targets the entire abdominal region, enhancing both strength and flexibility. It encourages a controlled descent, engaging the core muscles throughout, and promotes spinal mobility.

Q5: Can Pilates ab exercises be modified for different fitness levels?

A5: Yes, Pilates ab exercises can be modified to accommodate different fitness levels. Beginners may start with simplified versions, gradually progressing to more advanced variations. Modifications may include adjusting the range of motion, using props for support, or incorporating fewer repetitions. Customizing the exercises ensures that individuals of all fitness levels can benefit from Pilates for core activation and strength.

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