25 Min Full Body Dumbbell Strength Workout to Build Muscle
hello and welcome to this 25-minute dumbbell full body strength workout to build muscles and strength across our whole entire body I have two sets of dumbbells a lighter pair and a heavier pair but if you have just one set then that's okay we're going to have five full body exercises for 40 seconds work 20 seconds rest for three sets each are you ready let's get started in warm up starting with just jogging on the spot relax your.
Warm up:
1. shoulders take a nice deep breaths we'll take a few minutes into this warmup before we get started so I'll be giving you lots of options to make things harder and easier with different variations of these exercises so make this workout your own listen to your body and let's take it into a walk out next so standing on the edge of your mat walk the hands out to a plank position Engage The Core the shoulders the gloups and then walk it back bend the knees.
2. standing up and keep repeating in your own time engaging the core taking it out to that plank and stay down at the bottom of this next one and from here let's take it back into downward dog pushing your chest towards your thighs you can walk the heels out stretching in the calves ankles hamstrings pushing away from the hands spread your fingers warming up the shoulders keep going stretching and from here let's take one foot up outside one hand into this primer stretch.
3. keep your hand hands on the floor and you can rock forward and backwards or circles try to keep that front foot flat on the ground opening up the hip flexes the groin and hamstrings and pushing away from the ground lengthening in the legs it's important to just get some blood flow nice Mobility work before we start going into the strength and step back and switch over to the other leg Step Up think about driving that back heel back to lengthen this hip whilst driving this front knee forwards still taking those nice deep breaths activating the body last few seconds in the warm up okay well done rest there so I'm going to change my timer to 40 seconds work 20.
Goblet squat:
1. seconds rest if you need to do anything else and you warm up then take it now otherwise we taking it into exercise one which is goblet squat we're going to stay on the same exercise for three sets before moving on so exercise one in a goblet squat bring your dumbbell up into your chest holding on nice and tight in your chest elbows tucked in open up your feet a little bit wider than normal out turn the toes a bit we're going to take it down into a squat if you want to do the first set with no weight then you can of course get ready for 40 seconds work starting in three two one here we go goblet squat chest up long spine just go down however low feels good for you but working towards elbows coming inside the knees feet flat on the ground and if you want to do this with no weight then just go go to a standard squat if you need to if you don't have the right weight for you just work on those squats keep going 12 more seconds okay rest there well done take 20 seconds.
2. rest breathe recover we're going to stay on the same exercise for three sets if you need to adjust the weight or make any technique adjustments then you can get ready for set two in two one let's go stand up tall at the top squeeze the glutes out the back and maintain this good technique what I see a lot of people doing in this one is rounding of the back make sure the bum goes down the chest stays up with the the straight back if you struggle then decrease the weight and work on that.
3. technique 3 2 one and rest two out of three one more to go if you can increase the weight and do it now otherwise if you're feeling your your thighs your glutes your core working and keep going get ready final set here we go make sure your feet are flat on the ground keep your heels down see a lot of weight moving forwards where the heels pop up and don't rush through it take your time think about the muscles that are working here all across the lower body 12 seconds to go and one more rep here we go good rest there we're going to take it straight into a chest press so bring the weights in front of you onto the bench if hopefully you have.
Chest press:
1. Bench or a platform otherwise wi I'll show you a version on the floor as well grab the dumbbells take it into a chest press lay on your back and here we go allowing the elbows to drop to the side of your body driving up breathe out squeeze the chest and shoulders if you don't have a bench or a box or a platform then you can
perform a floor press if you need to in the floor press you can
2. allow your elbows just to softly touch the ground and then pushing up to the top keep going and rest well done so we're going to stay here for three sets and I'm going to take it back onto my box this is the fiddle box which is extremely convenient especially for exercises like this because we do want to be getting that extra range of motion by dropping our elbows below our body if possible so get ready for set two let's go stretch the chest push up and squeeze and although we're focusing on our upper body make sure you're thinking also about your core being engaged pulling the shoulder blades together as you go down then fully extending the arms to the top it's not about how many reps you get but keeping the muscles under
3. tension well done two out of three complete have a rest and one more time so we're going from upper body to lower body and lower body to upper body so we're resting body parts so we can keep moving with this Interval Timer that we have so one more set of upper body and we're back to legs let's go make sure you're allowing the shoulders to come back and down don't hunch them up into your ears up here pulling back and down and think about finishing the rep with your hands and elbows coming inwards to squeeze your chest keep going last few reps well done rest there we're going to take it back to legs in alternating forward lunge so you might need the lighter weights if you have the option I'm going to go to my lighter ones we're going to take it just to a standard forward lunge alternating the legs.
Alternate forward lunge:
from a standing position step forwards let's go and then push back and switch legs if you're building strength and stability in your leg still then you can just do this one body weight that's fine build up the strength stability in just your body having that alignment of feet knees and hips bending that back back knee towards the ground and then pushing back keep switching think about these glutes muscles at the back doing a lot of the work that front heel flat on the ground to push back three two one and rest to 20 we're going to do that for two more sets I'll bring my dumbbells back in if you're not getting on well with a forward lunge you could also do a reverse
lunge if you want from starting at the front stepping backwards up to you off you go set two if you can work on the depth getting that back knee to pretty much tap the floor softly or leave an inch just above the ground good posture shoulders back chest up and five seconds well done rest there let's do it one more time before we go back to upper body make sure in these very short rest period you recover as much as you can rest the body bring your heart rate down breathing rate down get ready for final time in two one here we go this one is one of the best exercises for building strength muscle across your lower body your thighs glutes halfway 10 seconds last rep three two one and rest okay we're going to take it straight back into upper body with a bent over row so we've worked the push now let's work the.
Bent over row:
1. So from a standing position we're hinging from the hips in a bent over row position straight back and pulling let's go 40 seconds nice solid foundation in the legs bend the knees and again just like I said in the goblet squat the biggest mistake I see is this rounded back here pull the shoulders back the bum back length the spine so you're doing this exercise in a safe way you should not feel lower back pain we should be working the big back muscles but make sure the legs are really helping stabilize and support the movement too three two one rest there well
2. done one out of three if you need to reduce the weight and work on the technique then of course you can and it's always better to get through the exercise safely with the best technique rather than lifting as heavy as you can and then injuring yourself get ready for set two let's go think about pulling the elbows back shoulders back and hopefully having a slight pause at the top just to get that mind to muscle connection with those back muscles muscles keep going 10 seconds elbows tucked into the body shoulders back
3. core strong two one and rest two out of three one more to go so this is a great full body workout a well balanced workout to make sure we're working the body in a balanced way cuz sometimes we like to go to the gym or in our workouts and just do all the pushing but it's important to do all the patterns and movements in our body that we need to do third set off you go remember the take technique if you need to just take a look in the mirror or take a post some people don't realize their backs are so rounded we just really focus on elevating the spine engaging those abs pushing your bum back three two one well done one exercise to go going to take it into the shoulder press so back to pushing pushing above the head we can do.
Shoulder press:
1. mixture of standing and seated if you have somewhere to sit I did so my first setep is going to be seated in a shoulder press let's go bring the dumbbell up to shoulders elbows in driving above the head let's go breathe and push get the arms fully extended above the head shoulders back head in a nice neutral position keeping the tension in the shoulders don't go so low that you get to rest here keep the tension and rest well done one out of three so I'll show you a version standing up slightly different in the core the body body standing shoulder press here versus in this in this 90° position at the hips going to work the upper back and the core a bit more get ready let's go think about the tempo as well well don't just rush through the Reps to get as many as
2. you can we get a lot of our strength gains from the lowering so don't just ignore the lowering phase keep going almost there few more reps well done two out of three complete almost there on exercise five as I wipe all the sweat away one more set I'm going to take it back to seating but if you have the option of standing or seating it's up to you whatever you want to do get ready two one here we go so we're building strength the muscle across our shoulders the the deltoids the traps if you burn out you can take a break but come straight back in we only have 12 seconds 4 3 2 one and rest you know me it's finisher time just one set of.
Finisher - Thruster:
a new exercise for 60 seconds one of the biggest killer full body exercises there is is a Thruster it's like a squat and a shoulder press so getting good squat position dumbbell at shoulder height we're going to squat and then drive up above the head let's go 60 seconds we're in one set only breathe and find your Rhythm keeping the dumbbells at shoulder height is sometimes useful helping you keep that good posture but it's also going to burn out those shoulders let's go keep it going keep going ignore that beep that's our 40c warning 20 seconds left if you fatigue rest for two seconds and back in get as many as you can now this is it six five one more rep well done awesome work nice finisher have a breather have a drink if you.
Cool down:
need and let's start our cool down let's change it back to 30 seconds seconds on a few different exercises take nice deep breaths and come down onto the ground whenever you're ready let's take it into a child's pose first of all hands reach out in front of you open up the knees and sit back onto your heels dropping your chest and forehead down to the ground focus on that breathing come forwards into a pigeon stretch so come up into a plank and then lift left knee up to left hand angle the knee out drop the back knee onto the floor step away and feel that stretch here in the glutes hips which we've worked very hard in those goblet squats and lunges if you're quite flexible then you can come down on your forearms Don't Force It just follow what feels good and whenever you're ready you can step back and switch legs right knee to right
hand it's important to take these few minutes to recover bring the heart rate down gradually release tension in some of the muscles that we've worked and it's a good chance to work on our flexibility whilst the muscles are so warm okay lay on your back I'm going to use the opportunity to lay on the box hug one knee up in and pull that knee across the body for a stretch in the hips torso and the chest if you're doing this on the floor that's fine and with every exhale just give into the floor allowing the stretch in your chest and shoulders and when you're ready come back up into the middle switch the knees over and pull across the body opening up in the hips oh nice couple of cracks in the back last stretch here take nice deep breaths okay well done that is the end of the workout thank you so much for joining.
See ya!
me hopefully you feel worked you feel stronger after using those dumbbells and you might have noticed this amazing fittle box have here with these dumbbells and so much more inside of this box so if you're interested then make sure you follow the links in my description or ask me any questions okay thank you so much and see you in the next one bye-bye.
Dumbbell Strength: 25 Min:
Muscle Group
Goblet Squats
Quads, Glutes
45 sec
15 sec
Bent Over Rows
Back, Biceps
45 sec
15 sec
Dumbbell Lunges
Quads, Hamstrings
45 sec
15 sec
Chest, Triceps
45 sec
15 sec
Dumbbell Deadlifts
Hamstrings, Lower back
45 sec
15 sec
Overhead Press
Shoulders, Triceps
45 sec
15 sec
Plank with Dumbbell Rows
Core, Back
45 sec
15 sec
Bicep Curls
45 sec
15 sec
Tricep Kickbacks
45 sec
15 sec
Russian Twists
Abs, Obliques
45 sec
15 sec
Dumbbell Strength: Form & Progress FAQS:
1. Q: What are the critical warm-up physical games before starting a 25-minute full-frame dumbbell strength exercise?
A: Prior to the exercise, have interaction in dynamic stretches including arm circles, leg swings, and body weight sporting activities like leaping jacks. Incorporate mild dumbbell actions to spark off key muscle groups.
2. Q: How have to one structure their 25-minute full-frame dumbbell energy workout for premier muscle building?
A: Begin with compound exercises focused on main muscle corporations (e.G., squats, bench press) followed by way of isolation physical activities (e.G., bicep curls, lateral increases). Aim for 3 units of eight-12 reps per exercising, adjusting weights for undertaking.
3. Q: Can bodyweight physical activities be integrated into this dumbbell workout for brought variety?
A: Yes, bodyweight sporting events like push-ups, lunges, and planks can be seamlessly incorporated. They enhance the exercise's effectiveness through enticing stabilizing muscle groups and promoting average purposeful energy.
4. Q: What is the significance of right form at some point of a complete-body dumbbell workout, and how can it's maintained?
A: Maintaining right form is crucial to prevent accidents and maximize muscle engagement. Focus on controlled actions, preserve the center tight, and ensure proper joint alignment. Utilize mirrors or workout motion pictures for self-correction.
5. Q: Is it necessary to regularly growth weights in every session, and how can one competently accomplish that?
A: Progressive overload is key for muscle boom. Gradually growth weights based totally for your electricity and comfort level. Aim for a difficult however achievable load, allowing for correct shape and preventing overexertion.