SH2JA1hzWq2Diuox6Yv0rjxHCjI0TM How to Get BIGGER FOREARMS (Bodyweight Only!)

How to Get BIGGER FOREARMS (Bodyweight Only!)


when it comes to developing an aesthetic looking  physique well developed forearms is absolutely   key now of course we don't just want to look  strong we also want to be strong at the same   time this is where targeted grip training for the  calisthenics athletes is absolutely key thats a   big mistake that I see people doing calisthenics  make they think just doing their pullups dips   and rows is going to develop a complete physique  that's not the case isolation particularly with


the forearms is going to help you develop this  muscle group but also get stronger overall let  me explain what I mean if you train your grip  directly of course youre going to improve your   grip at the same time you're going to get some  more Popeye action with your forearms you're   going to develop mass in your forearm flexors  like I said before its not just about looking

Grip Strength:

strong its about being strong too this is where  direct grip training helps your overall skills   if you have an increased grip strength you can  hang from the bar or from the Rings for longer   this means you can do more reps more sets and  that's what it takes to get enough volume in to   build muscle so its not just about training it  directly its got a whole host of other benefits   which feeds into overall muscular development  the technique when it comes to hanging is very   simple but this doesn't mean that its easy with  hanging were going to be improving whats called.


our crushing grip strength so by wrapping your  thumb over the Rings youre going to improve  crushing grip strength and also forearm flexor  development keep it simple put a clock on you've   got to have a time to keep things objective to  keep yourself challenged and also progressing   its a real mental battle I can guarantee but you  can always hang for much longer than you think if   you have a timer there its going to push you to  get the most out of yourself as far as what to do.


with the shoulders this really depends on your  particular Anatomy your and your weaknesses if you have painful shoulders keep your scapula  engaged if you have no pain your shoulders  just focus on the forearms hanging your sockets  completely relax the shoulders and just focus   on your forearms doing the work with hanging you  need to keep yourself challenged and progressed   over time if you knew this just starting with two  arms is the place that I recommend you starting.


  • increasing your time increasing the number of  sets increasing the volume is going to build  mass in your forearms if you want to challenge I  recommend the next step is to do an alternating   hang this is going to build time under tension on  one arm at a time and its really good preparation   for developing stronger forearms and also more  mass in your forearms over time those of you
  • that are more advanced I highly recommend going to  the single arm hang because this is no compromise   you're really going to line out deficiencies  left to right weaker to stronger side and its  going to create balance and symmetry in your  physique as you can see building muscle by body  weight its a really fun way to Train download  the body bearings program by fitnessfaQs.

Big Forearms Bodyweight Workout

Wrist CurlsSit on a chair, hold a weight or use body weight. Rest your forearms on your thighs with your wrists just beyond your knees. Allow your wrists to drop down, then curl them up as far as possible.312-15
Reverse Wrist CurlsSit on a chair, rest your forearms on your thighs with your wrists just beyond your knees, palms facing down. Allow your wrists to drop down, then curl them up as far as possible.312-15
Finger ExtensionsUse a rubber band around your fingers and open your hand against the resistance.315-20
Hand Gripper SqueezeUse a hand gripper or stress ball and squeeze for a few seconds, then release.312-15


  • Perform these exercises 2-3 times per week, allowing at least a day of rest between workouts.
  • Focus on proper form and controlled movements to prevent injury.
  • Gradually increase resistance or repetitions as you progress to continue challenging your forearms.

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